


None of my success would have been possible were it not for the Painted Picture, a simple visualization technique I created while sitting on a dock at my parent's summer cottage one afternoon nearly two decades ago.

Dusty Lepper shares his advice and learnings after smashing the WOW 1 DAY PAINTING 'Rookie Revenue Record'.

Myles decided he never wanted to work for someone else again — but starting a business alone seemed impossible. Then he found freedom in an unexpected place: as a franchise owner with Shack Shine.

Over the course of 30+ years experience at O2E Brands, we’ve identified not only what makes a great franchise owner, but what makes a successful one.

Adventures of Brian Scudamore & Friends

Here’s where you can find his thoughts on entrepreneurship, leadership, and finding success as a business owner. Plus, we like to feature stories about our great owners and people that have helped make our businesses so successful.

If you’re seeking an opportunity that offers you more, it could be time to take your first step towards independence. Here are nine signs you might be ready to start your own business.